¡Algunas maneras de destacar en las pruebas de fútbol! Capacitación de fútbol consejos de fútbol consejos de fútbol
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Cómo destacar en las pruebas de fútbol

Y’all I made my soccer team 🎉
I made my team🎉
I’m gonna come back to this video if I make my team or not. If I do, that will be amazing and I’ll be super happy. If I don’t, I’ll learn and grow, training harder every day. Wish me luck.
Edit: it was extremely competitive there and I most definitely doubted myself as I was not the best on that pitch. I realized that, and gave it everything I got. I did infact make it. We start up soon. This is your sign that you can do anything. I was super nervous but in the end it will turn in your favor. The tryout was across two days and I almost didn’t even go to the second one because I was so discouraged. You can always turn it around. Never give up.
I just had my tryout i think i did good
Who ever is going to a soccer tryout and are shy just remember there are people just like you shy so talk with people
Guys someone please help me out I have tryouts in 2 days and have no idea what to expect what do they test you on or do they just have a game to test your performance?
Ive got them tomorrow
Next month
I got last day of tryouts tomorrow ill let yall know if i make it
i got scouted a tryout for my local club hopefully i make it in wish me luck ( its not for a few months ill be back and remove this part then)
200th comment
I didn’t make my soccer team but
I will use the time to train harder and join an opposing team
Yay I made the best team in the state! (for g12 u11)
Saw this after I got cut🫠
I have the biggest soccer tryout of what feels like my life tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday I’m sooooo nervous cause I’m much shorter then everyone else and my coach hates a member of my family so he has it out to get me I’m so nervous and haven’t had time to practice because I’ve been with my sick grandma 😢
I have tryouts tomorrow
I guy's can you tell how to get scouted for soccer
Hope I make it tm
If only number 3 was possible 😢
using thses tips i was able to get in villareal academy in so happy
My try outs is in 2 hours hopefully I make it in the team
Y’all I have to tryout for this national team but it’s a boys team and they want some girls on to and they scouted me and I’m so nervous that I’ll be so bad compared to those boys
I have a trial for any team in north west uk on the 31st May this year. Wish me luck y’all! I’ll tell you the results soon.
Edit: I didn’t make it 🙁
i hope i make the team!
Day after Tom I got Tryouts ahh
I'm trying for my national tem 😅
My try outs are tomorrow wish me luck
i pray to God i make it ill check back in wednesday please God help me make it i realy want to prove myself right and coaches to see how good I am in your name amen
My tryouts r today I'm so nervous
I made the first cut bit now I have to tryout with 8th graders i pray i make it
I can’t show up early, im in middle school playing high school soccer, and my school gets out a hour later ( but all of this worked )
Song? 😂
Wish me luck because my tryouts are next week 😬😁