USMNT pierde 2-0 México, Lionel Messi se dispara en la victoria de Argentina | Sotu

Alexi Lalas y David Mosse reaccionan instantáneamente ante la derrota por 2-0 de la USMNT ante México en Guadalajara. La primera derrota de Pochettino como entrenador en jefe de USMNT llega a nuestros rivales y el equipo termina la ventana de octubre 1-1. El USMNT mira hacia la ventana de noviembre, donde comenzarán los cuartos de final de la Liga de las Naciones de la CONCACAF. Los muchachos también rompieron la victoria por 2-1 de Canadá sobre el espectacular desempeño de Panamá y Lionel Messi contra Bolivia en la clasificación de la Copa Mundial de Conmebol. #StateOfTheunion Suscríbase para obtener lo último del estado de la Unión de Alexi Lalas: Escuche el estado de la Unión de Alexi Lalas en Apple Podcasts: Siga a Sotu en Twitter: Siga a Sotu en Instagram: Siga a Sotu en Tiktok: como Sotu en Facebook: ► CANAL DE SECCIÓN DE FOX Soccer. ► El canal de YouTube de hablar: ► ¿Qué es Wright? Con el canal de YouTube de Nick Wright: sobre el podcast del estado de la Unión de Alexi Lalas: la leyenda del fútbol estadounidense Alexi Lalas analiza las historias más grandes del mundo del fútbol desde una perspectiva estadounidense. Únase a Alexi y al gurú del fútbol David Mosse, mientras desglosan el USMNT, USWNT, MLS, Bundesliga, Premier League, World Cup y todo lo demás.


El podcast del estado de la Unión del Estado de la Unión de Alexi Lalas

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27 opiniones en “USMNT pierde 2-0 México, Lionel Messi se dispara en la victoria de Argentina | Sotu”

  1. @Lalas, Yeah that was a bit too way up flying off the handle in comparing the U.S. with Argentina and if Pochettino would have done the same thing by allowing his best players go to their clubs (which they have contracts with). First off, Argentina has tons of better players than the U.S. and by Pochettino letting Pulisic go early was a test to see how the team performs without its stars. That was obvious. This is what Pochettino needs to see and know. He needs to identify the pain points of this team and see where there is opportunity for improvement.
    Thanks for comparing the U.S. with Argentina tho. That was a nice wishful thought.

  2. Pochettino can't solve this team's problem, which is passion and dedication. The U.S. players did not seem like they wanted to be there and there was no motivation, no chemistry in the offense. They had a few opportunities in the first half. They can't wait to score the first goal every single time to get "motivated" as they said when they scored the first goal vs Panama. You have to have that motivation from start to end.
    What Pochettino must do is make some changes and bring in new players who really want to play soccer. They can't always rely on Pulisic.

  3. Listen. Put an Argentinian coach in your nation team. Trust me. 90% of the time it just works. From spiritually its just what must happen. Messi on MLS is the sign.

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  5. This was not a B/C team, this was a D/F team. Absolute garbage! If we cannot play without our stars, what are we doing here. Alexi, it is much more then disappointing, it is downright embarrassing! We need to take each game seriously!

  6. It’s a big mistake the USA hired this new coach… the USA deserved somebody first level not somebody who doesn’t work in Europe… Argentinian coaches except for a few are not good in general… this is going to be the first loss of many to come with this new coach…!!

  7. Alexi Lalas is right if Pochettino was Argentinas national team coach (Which he will never be) would have he sent A team players back to europe against Brazil in a friendly? Yeah he wouldn't…

  8. I didn't see Lalas ranting like this against the awful Berhalter.. This was a B/C team. Yeah, it sucks to lose. But Pochettino got some answers. Beside, it took some time for Klinsmann to get the team up and running after Bradley. This is seriously hysterical. You get the feeling that there is some agenda behind this tirade against Pochettino. Kasey Keller too went overboard. The USSF/MLS lobby maybe?

  9. Why is the US media acting like they have a top five player you don’t have one not even a game changer player stop it whit that B team you had your “A team” vs Panama not much was shown 😂🤷🏽‍♂️

  10. 3-4-3 is a great formation, but darned, team has to be able to shift into other formations when OPP is on-their-game…

    … I'd have to believe a 3-5-2 or 3-6-1 could have done wonders, but also a 4-2-3-1 that shifts to a 3-3-3-1 and back to a 3-4-3.

  11. I noticed how Mexico pinned the USA defense with 3 players to control low passes into and through midfield… I sat there scratching my head why defenders did not dribble through to pull defenders off pass options or pass over top to pressure mexico backline…🤷‍♂️

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