Corea del Norte informa su primer brote importante de Covid, más de 2 años después de que comenzó la pandemia. US Soccer ha anunciado un acuerdo para proporcionar la igualdad salarial y los beneficios a sus equipos nacionales de hombres y mujeres. Los aventureros han explorado un sumidero chino que contiene un «bosque antiguo». Y un nadador en Alabama hace un descubrimiento inesperado.
Comprar Camisetas de Futbol Echa un vistazo a nuestra variedad de camisetas de equipos de fútbol. Camisetas de entreno y partido de clubes nacionales y selecciones internacionales.
El fútbol estadounidense hace un cambio

U.S. Soccer Makes A Change | May 20, 2022
❤Carl Azuz!!!
carl azuz!
Shout out Chippewa Middle School in North Oaks, Minnesota. Go Chargers!!!!
We love your videos and we watch them every day before we learn and our Luther Burbank forth grade.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
They can’t be talking they lost to 15 year old boys lol
I want carle back now
Shout out H.G Hill middle school in Nashville
Shout out to Ms. Eagle’s 7-8th grade class! Bayside academy!! Go Eagles🦅🦅
Lakeland Elementary School Coldwater, Michigan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love Fridays!!
Dr.E.Alma Flagg Newark Nj please my class watches your videos every day and we have had multiple assignments on your videos shout out Ms.McFadden 5th grade it will make us super happy.thank you
We are the RISING PHOENIX of UNIVERSITY HS from Newark, NJ!
Faithfully watching daily! 🙂
Thanks in advance for the #shoutout !
CNN 10
Dear people of UKRAIN and people of Russia,,,(✈️🛩️🚀🎱🎳🖲️🖲️,,)
Man's life ends in a fraction of time ,,,
I don't know what will happen to me or what disease I would be diagnosed when I fell down one day and go the hospital,,
A man said doctors removed all his big intestine,,,😂😂😘
But a christian shouldn't fear here ,,
He ,we know our God ,,
(Anything in our life is for good and by God's supervision,,or God allowed it ,,)
Or I may die on the spot ,,( cancer ,heart attach or any accidents,,)
So where would my pride of life go ,,?
But we have hope ,,
I have hope says apostle Paul in philippines chapter 1,,
He says he NEVER feared in the past ,,
So now with COURAGE,,( trial in Romans jail ,)
Suppose if he dies ( not because of the death sentence of Romans,,)
But he himself wants to see the lord's face ,,( but we christians can't commit suicide,,)
But I want to die and see jesus ,,
So death is not a lose ,,( In this situation – trail , fearful thoughts might overcome him ,so he says this ,,)
Death is a gain ,,
But hopefully he will come out of the jail and live helpful church believers,,
For this reason we can live ,,( for church and believers ,,)
Not for self reasons ,( blood and flesh , family and relatives,,),,
But when you are in a place with toughest conditions,,,,
Remember 1 Peter 4:1,2 ,,,
It is God's love to keep us in control attached depending God ,,( done with sin,,)rest of our life ,,
Because pride will lead to sin and lusts ,, but,(, so) sufferings in body will keep you humble ,,( attached to God's mercy,dependant ,)
So we must always know that sufferings are a warning to us to keep us with God ,,( helpful ,,not a evil day's bad dreams ,)
So I think we ourselves voluntarily invite sin ( it's my exaggeration,,)
But at least we must live in hope during that time ,,
It's good ,,
Hebrews 12:11, No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.🙏🙏🙏😁😉😉🙏🙏🙏🙏
Please Quinn middle school in Hudson Massachusetts
Please shoutout bill roberts
Lane Tech College Prep in Chicago needs the final shout out of the year!! Come on Carl make it happen!
Hi cab I have a shout out in sioux city iowa west middle
Hey may kammen elementary get a shout out we been watching for month s so I liked subscribe
We watch your shows everyday
We love u carl! Can u please do a shoutout to kanapolis middle school.
We love you Carl! Please give a shout out to Whitmore Lake Middle School! We watch every day!