28 opiniones en “¿Por qué lo llamamos fútbol, ​​no fútbol, ​​en América del Norte? #bermudas”

  1. This video is part of a widespread myth, it's never been known as soccer in the UK and rugby has never been that popular to rival football either. That American handball nonsense is just NFL, gridiron or rugby for p****es.

  2. I’d called American Football, handball, because 99% of the time is played with the hands. But since they call it American Football 🏈, they had to find another way to call our Football (soccer) in order to identify one from the other.

  3. "North America" Mexico and the majority of Central America and the Caribbean do NOT call it soccer, please stop misleading with the title. Ik that us Americans and Canadians to a lesser extent see ourselves as the center of the universe, but there are more than 2 countries in North America

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