Una tormenta pesada en Brasilia, Brasil, la noche anterior al partido programado de Wnt de EE. UU. Con Argentina el 17 de diciembre forzó el aplazamiento del juego solo unas horas antes del inicio. Sin inmutarse, el equipo de los Estados Unidos tuvo algunos juegos altamente competitivos de tenis de fútbol solo para que las piernas se movieran. Más información: ¡Suscríbete a US Soccer en YouTube! US Soccer … en Facebook: … en Twitter: … en Instagram:
Camisetas de Futbol baratas Echa un vistazo a nuestra variedad de camisetas de equipos de fútbol. Camisetas de entreno y partido de clubes nacionales y selecciones internacionales.
Tenis de fútbol inesperado

That is more like soccer vallyball
This seems more like soccer volleyball then soccer tennis
I died at rapinoe dancing at 0:15
i miss this
Pinoe's dance is PRICELESS!!!
Where was Alex
Those slow motion shots are incredible.
I Believe That We Just Won! The ladies now in total have 4 Olympic Golds and now 3 World Cup Championships for 3 Stars as of July 5th, 2015.
Someone needs to make a gif of Rapinoe dancing.
i wish i got to follow them around recording them.
becky slomo
How well is USA doing in the tournament I know we lost to Brazil, do we still have a chance for the title?
I wonder if the USWNT will practice on turf.
We really like these videos, please keep them coming, but don't go quiet on US after a major fuck up like the game against Brazil. Pls talk to us. We want to know that something is being done about it.
Everyone is panicking after the loss to Brazil, some even calling for JE's head but people we literally have SIX MONTHS to the start of the world cup and with Ellis more or less settled with the core team, she is working for the cohesiveness of the team and working out the system they will use in the WC…have faith people. THIS IS THE #1 team in the World and I sure don't want them peaking too soon.
Lovely. Good luck today ladies.
That slomo header by Becky 😍
Me and my friends invented this
Love Julie Johnston!
Good to see they are using those $140 soccer balls on concrete
God Ali Kreiger is so pretty…