USMNT vs. Mexico reaction: Is the U.S. now the best team in CONCACAF? | ESPN FC

ESPN’s Taylor Twellman, Kasey Keller and Jermaine Jones break down the USMNT’s 2-0 victory over Mexico at the TQL Stadium in Cincinnati, OH. The guys question if the United States is the best team in CONCACAF and what’s led up to the three straight wins against El Tri.

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24 opiniones en “USMNT vs. Mexico reaction: Is the U.S. now the best team in CONCACAF? | ESPN FC”

  1. I feel the best way to test this new dominance against Mexico is playing away from home in Azteca, because so far the 3 wins against Mexico have all been home wins.

  2. It’s easy when every concacaf tournament it’s play in your country controlling the tickets sell just for your people, go play 3 games una row in Mexico then we talk about who it’s the best team, Mexico has won in the past several gold cup in USA

  3. The USA can call YOUNG players from Spain, England, Germany, Italy, Netherlands…. Meanwhile Mexican fans are wishing for MLS players to come out retirement (Chícharo & Vela) they don’t understand Football is a team sport and young men dominate!!

  4. Jackasses. You need more than a single game to say anything like their being the best team in CONCACAF. They're getting better but they need a lot more wins to be able to say anything like that.

  5. Hmm…doesn't the USA still have away games remaining against Mexico and Canada. A little premature saying the USA is the best in Concacaf. I'd put Canada at least just as good position by position.

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