U.S. Women Soccer Team Cheered by Fans During New York City Victory Parade

With confetti and chants of «equal pay,» New York honored the U.S. women’s soccer team on Wednesday, July 10, with a ticker-tape parade down the «Canyon of Heroes» in Manhattan, celebrating the team’s World Cup triumph and paying tribute to the players as icons of women’s rights.
The U.S. women soccer team, with a 2-0 victory over the Netherlands in the World Cup final on Sunday, July 7, capped a World Cup campaign that attracted a vast television audience and unprecedented public interest.
Wednesday’s parade up Broadway in New York’s financial district also cast a light on the team’s fight for equal pay with its counterparts on the U.S. men’s national team, and by extension, the issue of equal pay for equal work for women in general. (Reuters)

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29 opiniones en “U.S. Women Soccer Team Cheered by Fans During New York City Victory Parade”

  1. ?*00212.649.665.722* *whatapps*?
    أقــدم لــكـــم رقــم الــدكــتــور?‍⚕️ الــخــبــيــر الــلــي سـاعـدنـــي فــي عــلاج مــشــكــلــتــي? لــصــغــر الــقــضــيــب
    ⬇️⬇️⬇️ ضــعــف الإنــتــصــاب✅ الــقــذف الــســريــع ✅ الــضــعــف الــجــنــســي ☑ الــمــنــتــج حــصـــري. لا تــتــردد فــي طــلــبــهــا?*00212.649.665.722 *whatapps*? الدفع عند الاستلام?

  2. By their logic — My bar band that plays 4 sets for 4 hours at $200 per head (if we are lucky) in front of 50 people should get the same pay as Ariana Grande playing in front of 20,000. That is one example of blanket equal pay for equal work. Equal pay/work is reasonable or expected in a normal workplace. The argument holds zero weight in sports and entertainment. Those economics are all about putting butts in seats, getting eyes of TVs, and selling merch.

  3. Why does it seem that every American woman who is privileged or in a career that is very rewarding thinks they are always suffering from some sort of unfairness? Fucking bullshit ass people have no perspective on the harsh realities that affect us less fortunate people every day. All you spoiled/entitled bitches can all go suck a pig dick.

  4. Equal Pay but they won't pay for dinner…. Equal Pay but who are in the coal mines risking their lives..
    Equal Pay but when there is a sinking ship or a hostage situation who do cops usually bargain for?
    Equal Pay but who is on front line fighting fires and running into burning buildings… this shyt can go on for days… Women just want the good parts of being a man
    They're cherry picking. GTFOH.

  5. gay girls maybe is more stronger with the time if need Fifa will have to review the laws about a women soccer team and the gay girls create a team also…I am not trying to offend gay girls, but is the truth, the intention is organizes the team, who are in the team, is a mixed team or based in females only

    If the gay girls wants their respect and freedom, if they want yo be a generation of people, they will also respect also the laws about control a team, because the world is divided by female and male and now a new generation forming, have their laws of showing respect to their generation and race, and they will respect others laws about separation too…this is to be be fair with other teams

    they want the separation I heard that lgbt wants even their bathroom, what separation means? This means they can stand in their onw image and be proud to be what they are,

    I believe they will be able to stand in their own image, and will not need to be hang out, sometimes a women, sometimes called gay girl, be strong in the image they want, specially for a competition with rules, things will be defined

    Love you all babe,

    God wants these people to be serious in their image, can't be hanging out image, sometimes a gay girl, sometimes a normal women, God wants them to have a marriage compromisses with their image, specially in competitions where have rules about, and with the time they can create their team also, stand in your image, and be able to respect rules also about competitions

    I know that because in a relationship one wants to be the husband and other the wife, so find your ID also for competitions, if these people wants legalize their marriage is important to keep legalizing them forming their groups, teams in competitions

    understanding the separations and what you want to be or what you are can't be divided in two image, for a competition with rules about female and male, now they can create the gay girls world cup too

  6. Bottom line, women’s sports don’t have the demand and bring in the revenue that men do. The pay will never be equal when it comes to sports. People don’t and won’t ever care enough to go see these events

  7. I'm not into soccer, but I still want to major congratulate them for the victory. However, when they said women soccer players should get equal pay, I thought I misheard/misread them. Serious??? Can they play at the level of Messi, Ronald, and the rest?? If so, then sure, the women players should be paid equally. I would LOVE to watch the game when those legendary soccer stars get to play against the women. THAT would be a game more worthy than a World Cup event.

  8. These bitches sound stupid as fuck shouting "Equal Pay". The mens final for the World Cup in 2018 drew 1.7 billion viewers world wide. The entire womens cup drew 1.2 billion.

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