"Entrenamos 8 Horas Al Día." Chase Carrera, prodigio del fútbol de 12 años, es el TRABAJADOR MÁS DURO del país

OBTENGA ROPA DE TIEMPO EXTRA ►► NUEVO Mikey Williams Ep ►► NUEVO ¡Hola Newmans! ►► ¡NUNCA he visto a alguien trabajar como Chase Carrera! Chase es una estrella del fútbol de 12 años que sueña con jugar para el Manchester United Y la selección nacional masculina de EE. UU. en la Copa del Mundo. Él también LO SIGNIFICA, y se despierta a las 5:30 a.m. todas las mañanas para poder entrenar. ¿Alguna vez has visto a un niño de 12 años que trabaja tan duro? ¿Alguna vez has visto a un niño de 12 años que se levanta a las 5:30 por su propia elección? ¡No lo creo! Nos vinculamos con Chase para ver cómo se ejercita, qué lo motiva y más. Se abrió sobre por qué hace lo que hace, qué significa Kobe para él y cómo maneja a sus enemigos. Chase es un jugador de fútbol increíble, pero también tiene una buena cabeza sobre sus hombros. Y como puede ver en el video, su ética de trabajo es NEXT LEVEL. Este chico simplemente lo entiende. ¡Si quieres motivarte tú mismo, mira este video y luego ponte a trabajar para lograr tus propias metas! ¡¡Mantente a salvo ahí fuera!! ——————————— ¡Síguenos en las redes sociales! ——————————— Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: TikTok:

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44 opiniones en “"Entrenamos 8 Horas Al Día." Chase Carrera, prodigio del fútbol de 12 años, es el TRABAJADOR MÁS DURO del país”

  1. For all of the people saying they would work this hard if they had money for all this equipment. Stop making excuses. I have a set of 25 pound weights, a pair of cleats, and a ball. Yet I’m still working as hard as I can whenever I can. you don’t need to be rich to play. I live in a trailer home yet I’m still averaging 1.8 goals a game. YOU. DONT. NEED. TO. BE. RICH. TO. BE. GOOD.

  2. He does a lot of skills but that dosen’t matter it is a team game not a solo game he has to remember that he is probably focusing on skills than passing,vision and teamwork.

  3. It's a disfigured life, unseemingly promoted by eccentric parents with more than ample resources. This boy is in no danger of becoming a well-rounded human being. I'd be surprised if he can play the piano or speak French. Is he an A student with an eye on the Ivy league? Does he have an articulate spiritual component? How is he with the martial arts, American history or contemporary geography? How's his spelling? Is there a special girl? Does he have political views? No to all. He will be narrow and shallow – and if an injury sidelines him somewhere down the road (God forbid), there will be nothing in his life. Perhaps if he becomes a world champion it will all be worth it. A risky game.

  4. So, where is school in all this? Cool and all that he has goals, though school is twice as important to get in any kind of sport college. I don’t really ever play sports. Playing for fun sometimes is cool, but putting your entire life toward sports and soccer, I mean like…

  5. A lot of people can’t afford all that training equipment personal trainers and stuff in South America (where I live) there’s a lot of countries with a bad financial situation and I feel like there would be a lot more people that reach pro leagues if South America people could afford for me I only need a Goal made with shoes or a normal goal but either way I wish him the best

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