El árbitro de rugby Nigel Owens le dice al jugador "esto no es futbol"

Fantástico clip con el legendario Nigel Owens

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18 opiniones en “El árbitro de rugby Nigel Owens le dice al jugador "esto no es futbol"”

  1. "I don't think we've met before, but I'm the referee on this field, not you. Stick to your job and I will do mine! If i hear you shouting or anything again, i can be penalising you. This is not soccer, is that clear? back you go and get on with the game" 😂😂😂😂 This ref is the man. Nobody messes with him.

  2. I would rather not take that ref back to my tribe. He is much too bitter, and would give many of my people indigestion. Instead, I shall take the two men in the green shirts. I like green shirts, especially with white stripes, and they look nice and young, with good flesh.

    Corncob Porkpie, Reddit Gold User, Moderator of /r/cannibals

  3. Such barbarous sporting events are frowned upon over at reddit.com. The only muscle I need to exercise is my brain. The only sport I need to play is that of intellectual debate with fellow enlightened gent[le]sirs on reddit. 

  4. Play a real sport, dumbass jocks. Eve Online, anyone? Probably not, it requires a little too much brain power for jock plebians like this. I pump iron while I play, so I could probably best all these little boys in almost any physical competition. I'm the perfect beast.

  5. The ref wouldn't get away if it were me! if it was me i would of drawn my Bleach ™ zampukto™ from its sheath and charge towards the vile pustule of a human being. as I am charging towards him for a match of fisticuffs, I would thrust at his stomach. As he grabs my sword I would then, being the gentlesir that I am, cut across his hands that gripped my zampukto™ and then proceed to attack a second time. As he lunges at me like a lion at its prey, I would riposte his attack and parry. After the counter attack I would then cut through his brittle, mortal, arms like butter while also preparing my next attack. I would firmly grasp the very fabric of his cloth and launch him into the air and as he is soaring through the air like a gentlesirs man handles i would use my bankai. Afterwards as he is coming down I would scatter his body into a million pieces and then say "if you ever wish to face me again become faster stronger and more euphoric." Then i would proceed to skate away on my heelys.

    ~snoop doge, reddit prodigy and basement hero.

  6. Just goes to show the major effects of testosterone. Look how aggressive it makes you!. Rugby is a sport where you literally attack other people. And males actually enjoy it! You wouldn't see a woman play rugby.

    Testosterone is the number one issue this world is facing. Think of the big problems the world is facing. ISIS? Testosterone. Russian aggression? Testosterone. Misogyny? Male aggression from aggressive desires of dominance and killing.

    Like we should lock criminals in jail, we should force males to become women. We have artificial insemination now, we don't need males to reproduce. Don't worry though men, i was a man and i can confirm that being a woman is a far superior experience. I actually care about people now!

  7. Redditor with 194 IQ here,

    It might as well be. All physicals sports are for ignoramus brutes. You will not see a redditor participate in this "american football". 

    The only physical activity a gentleman redditor does is walking to the door to collect your order or doritos and cheetos from the delivery man. And i only do that if mom is out.

    Play a REAL sport, like dota 2. M'ladies that aren't sluts with standards will be soaking at the thought of you being the number one wisp player in the world.

    Doritan Cheeto

    Redditor – Atheist – Brony – G(ent)leman – Top Mind

    Moderator of /r/dota2 and /r/gentlemen

  8. Hello fellow Redditors,

    As an enlightened atheist with a genius-level IQ, I see this video as yet another obvious example of the negative influence of religion. The ignorance of rugby and its corresponding attack on soccer is clearly an allegory to the intolerance of religious fanatics against the truth (that a god cannot truly exist). Have a euphoric day and I tip my fedora to my enlightened atheist brethren.

    Moderator of /r/atheism

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