18 opiniones en “Entrevista de fútbol femenino de EE. UU.”

  1. Thank you Abby for adding to Solo's "we're well hydrated this morning" comment by adding "water!"  ROTFL!
    We are so going to miss you!
    When Abby played she was a walking mismatch.  With her absence we have to deal ourselves with mismatches, such as 6'2" Wendie Renard who is only 25!

  2. Don't you guys think that there should be a women's worldcup(not Olympics) ??

    Instead of Olympics their should be World Cup…:)

    Girl's too can play soccer but people think that it would be boring….or some shit like that(what they think)..

    But being a guy i can say that these girls are good soccer players and it will be fun watching it….:)

    People of USA please appeal to FIFA about this..:)

    I am not an american..:(…but still I love that country…:)

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