El capitán de fútbol de EE. UU., Tyler Adams, responde BRILLANTEMENTE a una pregunta provocativa de un reportero iraní

Es por eso que Tyler Adams es el Capitán del equipo de fútbol de los Estados Unidos. Cenk Uygur y Ana Kasparian discuten sobre The Young Turks. Mire TYT EN VIVO los días de semana de 6 a 8 p. m., hora del Este. Lea más AQUÍ: «El capitán de fútbol de los Estados Unidos, Tyler Adams, silenció a un reportero iraní que lo confrontó sobre derechos humanos en una conferencia de prensa antes del muy esperado partido de la Copa Mundial entre el equipo de EE. La Copa Mundial de la FIFA ha recibido la mayoría de los titulares, otro se ha gestado entre los rivales geopolíticos Irán y Estados Unidos, que se encuentran en el mismo grupo este torneo. Irán exigió que Estados Unidos fuera expulsado de la Copa Mundial después de La cuenta de Twitter de la Selección Masculina de Estados Unidos publicó la clasificación del grupo B y omitió el emblema de la República Islámica en la bandera de Irán.Los funcionarios del fútbol estadounidense retiraron el emblema en apoyo a las protestas por la muerte de Mahsa Amini, de 22 años. , quien fue asesinada después de ser arrestada por la policía de moralidad de Irán por usar ropa «inapropiada». «Queríamos mostrar nuestro apoyo a las mujeres en Irán con nuestro gráfico durante 24 horas», dijo el dijo el equipo estadounidense en un comunicado a Ben Jacobs de CBS Sports». *** El programa de noticias progresivas en línea más grande del mundo. Presentado por Cenk Uygur y Ana Kasparian. EN VIVO de lunes a viernes de 6 a 8 p. m. ET. Ayude a apoyar nuestra misión y obtenga ventajas. La membresía protege la independencia de TYT de la propiedad corporativa y nos permite ofrecer espectáculos en vivo gratuitos que dicen la verdad al poder para personas de todo el mundo. Ver ventajas: ▶ SUSCRÍBETE en YOUTUBE: ☞ FACEBOOK: ☞ TWITTER: ☞ INSTAGRAM: ☞ TWITCH: ☞ 👕 Merch: ❤ Donar: 🔗 Sitio web: 📱App: 📬 Boletines: si quieres ver más videos de TYT, considera suscribirte a otros canales en nuestra red: The Damage Report ▶ Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey ▶ Watchlist with Jayar Jackson ▶ TYT Sports ▶ The Conversation ▶ Rebel HQ ▶ TYT Investigates ▶ #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 221128__TA03USSoccerCaptainRespondsToAccusationHypocrisy

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39 opiniones en “El capitán de fútbol de EE. UU., Tyler Adams, responde BRILLANTEMENTE a una pregunta provocativa de un reportero iraní”

  1. I dislike the behavior of USA. Us is not the land of the free at all. US must apologize to Japan Vietnam and Iran for having dropped two atomic bombs having invaded illegally and having caused coup to ruin Iranian government in 1953.F※ck off US

  2. As an American, although I despise racism, it's hard for me not to bite my own tongue when Adams is confronted with a question about human rights from a reporter in a country where women are beaten to death in jail cells for not wearing their headscarves.

  3. Was the reporter trying to provoque the player to get a space to talk about his country's issues? talk or excuse, I found him very defensive, his question is almost like a set up to open a discussion about his country's current situation….the soccer player gave a great answer in a excellent manner, did not respond to the provocation 👏

  4. How is this question provocative? As a progressive, I believe discrimination should be called out everywhere you go.

    "Ra!!!!!cism is everywhere and has been part of every society everywhere" has been a k!k!k!onservative justification FOR ra!!!!!!cism. Ana, you should be aware of that.

    Also, Tyler Adam's apology is the appropriate and proper response in this situation. We apologize for mispronouncing a person's name. Why would it be something deserving of praise when one apologizes for mispronouncing a country's name?

    Also, why would a reporter from Iran NOT qualified to ask a question about racial discrimination? Is the subtext that a reporter is responsible for his or her country's governance? Should that reporter apologize for what the Iranian government has done?

  5. The progress element could be debated? Seriously? Does this moron really not know the history here? The fact that Tyler is representing his country is exhibit A dumbass.

  6. Handled it WELL?? LOL. How about him having this response " I apologize for calling your country by the wrong name. Now about your question. If I had a problem with it I wouldn't be here so no, I'm a soccer player, not a politician. I have certain beliefs and even problems with some things in my country but this isn't the time or place. Now, Let me ask you a question Mr.???. OK, Are you proud to be an E-RONIAN journalist when your people are being tortured and murdered for standing up for human rights by your country? I'm here to play soccer and you are here to cover soccer. Ask me a question about the game or get lost." When did Americans start being so candy a—d. Our players were intimidated by the location of the games. I would have loved to have seen this journalist act like this with John Wayne, FDR, Ronald Reagan, Steve McQueen, Jim McMahon or even JFK. He would have been read the riot act. Welcome back to 1979 America. The world disrespects us and we get praised for being passive. Maybe we can have another 1980 moment with our hockey team where we don't bow to the greatest team on earth but kick their butts, maybe we have another prez who says f you to the Russians when they give us a BS prisoner swap. Maybe we can have another day where our prez tells the Russians to get missels out of Cuba or we're gonna light you a—s up like a candle.

  7. The reporter also got harassed by United State reporters..questions about 1979. Tyler, says he grew up in a "white family /culture". That's not real life in America for African Americans. A full black male wouldn't agree to his point of view. Also, there was dirty dealings with Iran's flag, postings and the fans lingo. That was not a fair game. Women in america are still fighting for their rights to have an abortion..could be sent to prison or killed

  8. american journalists ALWAYS have that air of self-righteousness when talking to people from other countries, especially when they're not white…. the level of indignance that americans display when it comes back to them is baffling…. and this is coming from a born-and-raised American. we are definitely one of the most hypocritical nations to ever exist

  9. Suck at Soccer, but at least they were good Wokesters. Wore the most awesomest armbands. Maybe instead of being obsessed with the Woke, they should have been obsessed with playing Soccer. 😞

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