‘Un gran problema’: el equipo de fútbol masculino de EE. UU. Avanza con la victoria en la Copa del Mundo sobre Irán

Linsey Davis de ABC News habló con la columnista de USA Today, Christine Brennan, sobre el avance del equipo de fútbol masculino de EE. UU. en la Copa del Mundo y cómo el torneo ha arrojado luz sobre las protestas en Irán. ABC News Live Prime, de lunes a viernes a las 7 EST y a las 9 EST VEA la transmisión en vivo de ABC News: SUSCRÍBASE a ABC News: VEA MÁS en ME GUSTA ABC News en FACEBOOK: SIGA ABC News en TWITTER: #ABCNL #WorldCup #TeamIran #TeamUSA #win

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44 opiniones en “‘Un gran problema’: el equipo de fútbol masculino de EE. UU. Avanza con la victoria en la Copa del Mundo sobre Irán”

  1. Siderant. When iran won against US in 1998, Iranian players each handed out a bouquet to every American player, on pitch. Iranians are civilised. Its government isn't. Please pretty incredible people, never confuse the two. Iranians are currently taking bullets to get rid of the Islamic government. I think that speaks volumes.

    Another siderant. Iranians celebrated US win this year, the whole nation were partying after us won, out on the streets beeping their horns, why, because Iranian football team is politically charged and belongs to the government not its people. Iranians wanted their own team to lose and that's alot.

    Here's hoping we can play US in 4 years, this time a free nation with football team that represent its own people.

    Congrats to US. Enjoy the victory and I hope you do well in the round of 16. 🤗

  2. USMNT is very athletic, very talented, very good in defense, but they need some dawgs on the attack. They need guys that sniff out and search for goals rabidly.

    I think of guys like Ronaldo and Messi: any time they get anywhere close to the box they want the ball in the back of the net at all costs. US doesn’t have that guy or killer instinct. They seem to want finesse, or the perfect pass first or they are timid to shoot. Add that killer instinct to score and they’d be a tough out for anyone.

    Just an observation from a US fan.

  3. Who cares, this sport has been ruined over time, it is getting ever more boring, the VAR system has made it even more so, now goals are nullified for actions that had nothing to do with why we had certain rules such as offside. Yes, at a more recreational level this can be an enjoyable and healthy sport, however it seems the FIFA gods have entirely forgetten why we play, why we have certain rules, so it becomes a game of technicians deciding key points.

  4. I don’t support the shia Iranian regime but am disgusted about the flag antics of US soccer!: how would you like it if a country posted the confederate flag for the USA in 2022? Exactly!

  5. This is how it is with the World Cup, it is the world championship. You go up against the best in the world. Best of luck for team USA against a tough Netherlands team in round 2 with the top 16 teams in the world.

  6. Gotta love that plucky US optimism: "Is the US capable of winning the tournament?" No, Linsey, no they're not. Just as no American Football team outside of North America could ever win the Superbowl there is no chance the US can win the World Cup. If they play the game of their lives they could upset the Netherlands on Saturday (unlikely) but they'll go no further. It's a 'world' cup, so always great to see the US there but realistically they are never contenders for the trophy.

  7. The interviewer's question "Do you see them possibly even winning the whole tournament?" showed how ignorant she is about football (soccer in the US). No, lady, they have absolutely no chance.

  8. As an Iranian I am really happy for USA team they totally deserved it. This Iranian team is not our national team because they didn't stand in solidarity with iranian people who they don't want this brutal regime and they decided to take this Murderous regime side. As I said before if you don't support the people (protesters against regime) , you couldn't expect the support from the people. Since our peaceful protests, this regime killed 450 innocent people and 62 of them were childern. Once again Congratulations to you ALL. 💐🎉🎉🎉

  9. F U 🇺🇸 overthrew democratically elected civilian president in Iran in 1950’s and installed an authoritarian dictator until the revolution overthrew him in 1979. 🇺🇸 is the #1 terr orist country on the 🌎.

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