Adentro: Marcha de US Soccer a Brasil, Episodio 2

De los creadores de 30 for 30 de ESPN, esta serie se enfoca en la Selección Nacional Masculina de EE. UU. mientras se prepara para la próxima Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2014 en Brasil. Producida por Jonathan Hock y Roger Bennett. De ninguna manera reclamo esto como mi propio trabajo.

Camisetas de futbol Echa un vistazo a nuestra variedad de camisetas de equipos de fútbol. Camisetas de entreno y partido de clubes nacionales y selecciones internacionales.

28 opiniones en “Adentro: Marcha de US Soccer a Brasil, Episodio 2”

  1. The Nike guy's raw jeans are a bit too tight on him.

    And was that Omar Gonzalez who dropped the ball around the 11:18 mark? Sheesh. He lost his man against the Mexico friendly and again against Portugal in the WC that both resulted in the equalizers.

  2. I like Klinsman enough to forgive him for not putting Donovan on the roster. He already said that he would own either the success or failure of our result in Brazil.

  3. From an English guy – come on USA! I fucking love you guys- you play the way I wish we still did…Brilliant spirit and determination – I hope you win the world cup.

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