Capitán del equipo de EE. UU. imperturbable mientras es interrogado por periodistas iraníes

A medida que aumenta la emoción por el enfrentamiento entre EE. UU. e Irán en la Copa del Mundo, las controversias fuera del campo continúan cuando el entrenador y el capitán del equipo de EE. UU. son interrogados en una conferencia de prensa por los medios estatales iraníes. Meghan Fitzgerald de NBC informa para HOY. » Suscríbase a HOY: » Vea lo último de HOY: Acerca de: HOY le ofrece los últimos titulares y consejos de expertos sobre dinero, salud y crianza de los hijos. Nos levantamos todas las mañanas para brindarte a ti y a tu familia todo lo que necesitas para comenzar el día. Si te importa a tí, nos importa a nosotros. Estamos en el negocio de las personas. Suscríbase a nuestro canal para obtener imágenes de archivo exclusivas de HOY y nuestra serie web original. ¡Conéctate con HOY Online! Visite el sitio web de TODAY: Busque TODAY en Facebook: Siga TODAY en Twitter: Siga TODAY en Instagram: » Transmita TODAY All Day: Acerca de: TODAY All Day es un canal de transmisión las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana, que le ofrece las noticias más importantes, la cultura pop y entrevistas con celebridades. , cocina y más. Todo en un lugar. #fifa #soccer #worldcup

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27 opiniones en “Capitán del equipo de EE. UU. imperturbable mientras es interrogado por periodistas iraníes”

  1. It would be like calling Tyler Adams a gringo be he is an American, or yank, is this how Iran feels about how he said or pronounced thier country? Cause Gringo and Yank is a slur and to me as a Mexican born, you were born in the USA like Tyler Adams you are pretty much all American, Tyler Adams to me is pretty much all American, not African American, American I feel should be an ethnicity for those born in the USA like Me Adams, his ethnicity to me is also just AMERICAN.

  2. We don't have to pronounce any country name or even place a certain way. Why? Cause that is what languages and accents are. This happens in every language when they say USA or other countries and cities. They rarely say the name of the place WITH or IN the language/accent of that place. Why does America have this standard and others don't?
    We might as well say Meheeco for MExico and Al Qahira for Cairo. Can we stop pretending to be world scholars and show offs and just say it in our native accent/language?

  3. It's always so stupid when people try to dictate how their country's name should be pronounced. Like, come on, it's a different language with its own vocabulary.

  4. Actually he was too soft. He can't compare discrimination in the US (that exists) with discrimination in Iran against other races or even women or non muslims.

  5. 1. There is no official pronunciation of Iran in another language.
    2. Interracial people are not “black.”
    3. Exposure is everything; regardless of heritage.
    4. American media will racialize anything.

  6. Lol 😂 these people hate us so much but they have been at war with their own people and surrounding contries and i mean years im talking bout going back to BC times for years the reporter was just but hurt

  7. In his excellent way, Tyler actually got in a classy dig at this smug and snide reporter by pointing out how "in the USA we make progress every day", like how we just voted to reject a murderous theocratic autocracy. Something the people of this reporter's nation are oppressed from rejecting, thanks to their regime of theocratic zealots.

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