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  1. Americans never get the Park one :p.

    It's not an insult towards Park himself who's highly respected.

    Scouse are people from Liverpool.

    So sure, South-Koreans eat dogs(who because of superstition are basically tortured to death because they taste better that way) but it could be worse.

    Could be from Liverpool eating rats in the council house(even the wealthy eat rats)

    Or even more simple.

    Liverpool is a shithole.

  2. 7:00
    That chant is a tribute and a take on Liverpool as the people living in the Merseyside are called scousers.
    Park is Korean that played for my team in England, Manchester United and in Korea they eat dogs, but it could be worse because he could be a scouser eating rats in the English version of the American housing projects.

  3. American's "we're the freest country on the planet, we can say almost anything we like" Also American's (if they stole our chants correctly) security comes along and drags you out of the stadium, the police come and drag your ass off to jail. English fans singing these chants, not one single eyebrow raised by the security, stewards or police at the grounds. Now, the reason for the 2 completely opposing events happening, American's believe that ANYTHING said to them is a personal attack and the "offender(s) MUST be punished, meanwhile in England, even if the song is a VERY personal one to you or your family, we have the common sense to know that it's all said in jest, winding up the opposition and their fans, taking the piss out of them, but no0one takes it seriously. There are one or two occasions when it is taken seriously, not just by the fans, but by the clubs involved and the police, is when the mindless minority of people, I won't call them fans as they clearly aren't fans, they're mindless morons who try to take the piss out of the devastating events of Munich (for Manchester United) and Hillsborough (for Liverpool) and as huge a rivalry as there is between those 2 clubs, genuine supporters of both come together on the anniversaries of those tragedies/ Apart from those, and one or two other less well known events, almost anything goes with our fans and their chants

  4. Passion in sports is a British norm..

    My team just made the play off finals to be one step away from reaching the premier league. At the end of the match to celebrate they sang an individual chant for each player.. This is typical for the UK.

    In the US it's just generic cringe

  5. Can I just say you are never winning a argument with us english, we just leave you baffled with our insults, go and ask any American who played MW2 aged 25to 30 they will tell you what went down 😂

  6. If you guys in the States think football is boring, just look at what my team, Sheffield Wednesday have just done this last week. Then tell me it's boring. An unbelievable story.

  7. I forgot where I heard it from, but what I heard was – If a British team started singing "I believe that we will win", the opposite will sing "I believe you're talking shit" in response.

  8. You can't fake passion, it's not a numbers thing America gets huge sporting events with huge crowds but still only uses simple chants, but it never sees anything on the same passion levels as much of the world not just the UK has, not sure if it's to corporate controlled and upsetting the sponsors is the last thing America wants, is it true that The Super Bowl is all about the advertisements and so much time is put aside just for Ad space. it'll be interesting to see if anyone has answered this difference between our sporting events

  9. You don’t all throw a C word, or F word in with your football chants? That’s a bit sad! You need some English over there to teach you some appropriate football chants. If you’re not insulting the other sides mothers…….you’re not doing it right 😂🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

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