ESPN Knowingly Lies About Woman's Soccer's Equal Pay Claims.

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US Women’s National Soccer Team Wins Award for Equal Pay Fight from ESPN.

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42 opiniones en “ESPN Knowingly Lies About Woman's Soccer's Equal Pay Claims.”

  1. The women think like if like Deal or No Deal with the chance to change your mind.
    We will offer you $10,000 to walk away now or take your chance that you have the $1,000,000 and not the 5, 10, 50 or 100 that are also remaining.

  2. "We are the children of concrete and steel
    This is the place where the truth is concealed
    This is the time when the lie is revealed
    Everything is possible but nothing is real"

    COLOUR, Living. Type, from the album Time's Up. 1990. NYC. 😂😂😂

  3. Great breakdown Nate. Yeah this is bad but not surprising I must say. Given the MSMs need for division and hatred to drive ratings they lie constantly in order to drive revenue. It’s a perverse incentive that ends up with most casual working people not knowing they are being spoon fed bullshit constantly. Maybe one day they will wake up.

  4. How about the most important point of pay commensurate to the profits generated by the respective teams? That idea has gone completely out the window with these ladies.

  5. I think you missed a big point about why the women originally structured their deal differently to the men. Most if not all of the US mens team plays for big clubs in europe where they already make a lot of money and have benefits. For the women the market is a lot smaller so many of them don't make money through clubs or have guaranteed benefits. I think it has more to do with market opportunity than women wanting more secure jobs then men.

  6. The fact that you're telling me anything that has to do with women soccer has to be "one of the greatest frauds and history" is why we're going to go ahead and scroll on @MrHissyFit

  7. Get rid of Rapinoe and the team will toe the line. They do not deserve equal pay. Make them play the men’s team and if they are equal we will make the pay equal but if they lose by 3 or more they should lose money.

  8. Greed, greed, and greed that made these women soccer players did what they do to get even more money than they deserve. So the whole thing equal pay equal pay law suit was built on lie!!! 👈👎💣💥

  9. The USWNST’s advancements in pay & benefits are a result of there consistent organization. Rather than belittling what they have done in regard to getting higher wages and better benefits learn from them in order to fight for better personal conditions and freedom. Standing up for what is right is what makes the concept of America beautiful. Additionally, Megan Rapinoe’s defiant stance despite being constantly harassed by those in her own country echos the words of Francis Scott Key when he wrote “gave proof through the night that our flag was still there” Just as the flag remained despite the rockets red glare and bombs that were bursting in air Rapinoe remains strong despite the hate.

  10. Men’s national team should now sue for equal pay!!! They should sue to get the same base benefits as the women…because now the women get more then them as they also bring in more money

  11. They play in different leagues!!! Am I crazy here? And just because you have the same profession as someone else does not automatically mean you will/should be paid the same as that other person. I acted in some plays, why am I not paid as much as Tom Cruise?! We are both actors! And let's not forget this is entertainment. You get paid what you bring in. People gladly pay more to see the men's team play popular teams like Italy, England, Brazil, Mexico, etc. The women can play these men's teams, I am sure they will draw quite a bit of revenue.

  12. The USA women act as if they are the only womens soccer team at a disadvantage.
    Fight for world funding cause we got all the facilities. All the coaches. Our players actually get paid?
    Sad. Jamaica had to get bob marleys daughter to get them going again.

  13. Imagine if they actually had to do equally highly valued work.
    I'm sure it's the toxic patriarchy that prevents them being just as successful.

  14. The hypocrisy of the gender pay gap will never cease to suprise me. Just another case of a lot of blabering but no substance to the argument, one can even say a counter évidence to the argument

  15. What's sad, is this entire movement could destroy ALL of US Soccer. Men currently give 50% of their WC earnings to the women's team if I understand the new agreement correctly. What motivation to the men have to compete and win? Other leagues, like the NHL, already fight hard to prevent players from competing in outside competitions for fear of injury. What happens if the men do the same thing? Now we not only pay a poorly performing women's team more money, we lose out on the potential of an on the rise men's team. Why did the women not protest over the Yates report? Was sexual abuse by all 10 UWSL teams not a big enough problem?

  16. Sports, along with actors and musicians are entertainers and thus only as popular as society deems. So if you're not popular or interesting to watch, you're not goong to be paid as much as the next entertainer who is more popular. Entertainment is simply not the same type of "work" as say a carpenter or doctor or cook.

  17. What I dont understand is why the courts did not fine the US National Womens team for bringing a false case and charge the head honecho megan rapinoe for knowingly filing a case full of lies very well knowing they did get more than the men and putting the game in dispute. I think they got of easy and should be counting their lucky stars.

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