American Reacts to Football Fans & Atmosphere USA vs. Europe

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Camisetas de futbol Echa un vistazo a nuestra variedad de camisetas de equipos de fútbol. Camisetas de entreno y partido de clubes nacionales y selecciones internacionales.

25 opiniones en “American Reacts to Football Fans & Atmosphere USA vs. Europe”

  1. If you want to get a real feeling, how much is scooter for millions and millions people lookt at Youtube: Die Welt schaut Fußball: Speziel zum WM Final. Translate: The world looks soccer: special to the final of the worldcup.
    Most of the clip is in english. But the emotions of the fans- you understand everything. No word is needing.

  2. I lived in Seattle from 1972 to 1985 and followed the Sounders from Memorial Stadium to the Kingdome when tickets where less than $5. I now live in Norway and don't follow them so closely anymore.

  3. You are not sure if USA can beat Europe when it comes to football? Meaning USA might loose, but in any other sport it will definitely win. Check the comparison between the basketball fans.

  4. well, the National Icelandic football team (that was the giant, the dragon, the bull and the eagle on blue) summoned quite literally half the country to watch them. And of course we are enthusiastic when any Icelander manages (or any team) to gain international recognition. For a country like America it must be much harder to get recognized – hence summon the enthusiasm of the crowd.

  5. For those wondering here the translations of the German chants:

    – BVB 09 (4:54): Borussia Dortmund, black and yellow is my club. Whether it’s the fight against relegation or for trophies, Borussia Dortmund, singing for you so you may win, because there is nothing more beautiful in the world for me and my friends.

    – 1. FC Köln (5:28) Regardless of what may happen the red wall stands behind you, does not move from your side, because it’s only here for you. Oh FC Kölle. A whole life for the club.

    – Eintracht Frankfurt (6:17, 9:41) Hey Eintracht Frankfurt Shalalalala lalalala (This is sung to the melody of the TV series „Pippi Longstocking“ based on the works of Astrid Lindgren, at the end of the second time „Louder“ is shouted)

    And as a bonus the one Dutch chant:

    Ajax Amsterdam (9:57): 90 minutes long, for our club from Amsterdam, madhouse on the tribunes, nobody can stop us.

  6. 11:07


    Call and respond chant from the Most Champions of Sweden Malmö FF.
    That was away in the Uefa Euro League against Chelsea when 3500 Malmö fans were outsinging 36500 Chelsea fans away at Stamford Bridge.
    Our own home support is electrifying with megasize flags, big tifo displays and flares.
    We sing for 2 hours straight minus 15 minutes at half time break.

  7. European footie fans win easily over American fans;although with the Europeans,it can get too extreme(ie hooligans ='Ultras' -PSG and Milan,etc);but when its good,its good,ie the Dortmund fans [5:10] who marched through Newcastle city centre, a few months ago,for the UCL cup-tie against my team NUFC !👌👍

  8. Those call and response type chant like the Seattle sounders do are very common in Germany, but they only work if you got thousands chanting it instead of the 10s or 100s participating here.
    In Germany fan songs are also often times like love letters to your club, like at 5:27

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