37 opiniones en “Soccer is about to save football in America 😅🏈”

  1. artificial turf is harmful to the legs, where there is a greater possibility of getting injuries, such as cruciate ligaments or sprains, in games that require a lot of speed and sudden changes in rhythm, you pay attention to that, that each play does not happen something and You throw your career away, a field in optimal conditions is essential in Football, in addition to the show.

  2. These pro grass players are goofy here is why. 1 games. The frequency of games can happen more often with turf because with grass the fields will get all muddy and bad if it rains. But turf dosnt so because of this games will get canceled with real grass with rain.

  3. That's why world federation are important, they serve as regulators, no rules will be changed without vote from every countries. FIFA for example regulate the sport of Football (soccer) and its competition as a whole, every organization or countries must obey, so there will be no monopolisation towards the sport, if a country do not obey, will be kicked out as a member and will not enter any official FIFA tournaments, not receiving subsidies, and illegal to form a league. Most US sports including NFL doesn't have this, so its easier to monopolize and make more money

  4. I don't think that all fields could realistically become natural grass because of fields like Ford field and US bank that have no way to effectively grow the grass but as long as they use a safe turf and not the hook and loop turf they will be alright

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