El equipo nacional de fútbol femenino de EE. UU., ganador de la Copa Mundial, regresa a casa | ESTE DIA

La selección femenina de fútbol de EE. UU. regresó a casa desde Francia después de ganar la Copa del Mundo en victorias consecutivas. Ahora, se están preparando para una celebración, que incluye un desfile de teletipos el miércoles en la ciudad de Nueva York. Morgan Radford de NBC informa para HOY. » Suscríbase a HOY: » Vea lo último de HOY: Acerca de: HOY le ofrece los últimos titulares y consejos de expertos sobre dinero, salud y crianza de los hijos. Nos levantamos todas las mañanas para brindarte a ti y a tu familia todo lo que necesitas para comenzar el día. Si te importa a tí, nos importa a nosotros. Estamos en el negocio de las personas. Suscríbase a nuestro canal para obtener imágenes de archivo exclusivas de HOY y nuestra serie web original. ¡Conéctate con HOY Online! Visite el sitio web de HOY: Busque HOY en Facebook: Siga HOY en Twitter: Siga HOY en Instagram: Siga HOY en Pinterest: #USWomensSoccer #WorldCup #TodayShow El equipo nacional de fútbol femenino de EE. UU., ganador de la Copa Mundial, regresa a casa | ESTE DIA

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40 opiniones en “El equipo nacional de fútbol femenino de EE. UU., ganador de la Copa Mundial, regresa a casa | ESTE DIA”

  1. Thanks New York for paying for a parade that most Americans could careless about. Especially after there leader disrespecting the American Flag and President Trump.

  2. The "game" the US Women lost in Dallas was a scrimmage some twenty-seven months back. The women were not trying to win anything but publicity.
    One of those fifteen year-old (fifteen years, seven months then) players stands six-two, one-ninety at seventeen years, ten months. Pictures taken at the time show that Tanner Tessman was at least half a head taller than any of the women photographed with him.
    Soccer is not a non-contact sport.

  3. My niece plays on the US team and I know for a fact (without naming names or going into details) that a number of players have been playing with greater levels of testosterone in their bodies as compared to the competition – which obviously gives them a much greater advantage – ALL IN THE NAME OF WINNING.  Many baseball & football players, body builders, etc. etc. have been taught that ‘Winning is EVERYTHING’ since they were able to walk. But at what cost? Many wound-up developing illnesses which have taken their lives at a young age, but those lessons seem to have fallen on deaf ears with future generations.  Very sad.

  4. Checked off every single box including losing to a group of pubescent 13 to 15 year old males lmao i cant get over the humility and grace this "woman" lacks. . Guess thats our society atm tho.

  5. They are amazing at what they do and deserve all the praise for the accomplishment. They maybe and probably are the best women’s team ever. That being said they are paid more then men by % of earnings and should be they have been more successful. But now they want to be paid more because men’s soccer is more successful as a sport world wide. Not happening ladies.

  6. not belaboring the obvious however their marketing image issues and personalized attention agendas are going to need more than a miracle if expecting to translate across a political spectrum of persuasion, and thats obviously with all their support credentials achievements notoriety fame recognition momentum and emotion. lol.

  7. Winning means nothing especially when you are a piece of trash disrespecting the flag you claim to represent disrespecting the country in which you are from and disappointing millions of loyal American citizens with your behavior and tell you the truth I kind of wish you would have lost.

  8. I am for the wage gap. After what these women did to the American flag, more reason for them to play for less.

    Maybe a little more then Chinese soccer player who plays for a bowl of rice.

    Wait til the transgenders take over the game. Bye – bye women’s soccer.

    Hello, gender whatever it will be, men’s soccer 2.0, who knows.

  9. As an American, I HATE THAT WE WON THE WORLD CUP! Megan Rapeonme is an embarrassment to American sports! Not wanting to go to the White House if you win an NBA or NFL championship is one thing, but not wanting to go after representing your country is a whole new level of disrespect

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